Strategies and Stories of Successful Women Entrepreneurs
Women Entrepreneur Xchange is a platform and forum that honours women CEOs & entrepreneurs and enables them to engage and learn from other remarkable women entrepreneurs who have succeeded in industries and domains that are unfavourable to them.


Carmen Sim
Founder and CEO of Agrosmart

Hair Styling
Datin Winnie Loo
Founder of A Cut Above Salons
EY Woman Entrepreneur Of The Year 2010 Malaysia

Lisette Scheers
Founder, CEO and Creative Director of Nala

Investment Education
Kathlyn Toh
Founder & Director of Beyond Insights

Carmen Sim
CEO of Cynics Solutions

Hair Styling
Datin Winnie Loo
CEO of A Cut Above Salons
EY Woman Entrepreneur Of The Year 2010 Malaysia

Lisette Scheers
CEO of Nala Designs

Investment Education
Kathlyn Toh
Founder of Beyond Insights
WEX 1 Speaker
98% of venture capital funding goes to men although women own about 1/3 of all businesses. Entrepreneurship is perceived as largely a man’s game. However, studies have shown women make better entrepreneurs than men.

Women made twice as much per dollar of investment than men.
Boston Consulting Group
Female entrepreneurs take home twice as much pay as the men despite facing more barriers.
Repayment rates from women are often 97%-98%; whereas men tend to over-promise and under-perform.
A study among 350 microfinance institutions in 70 countries
Women are 10% more productive than men and do more work in less time.
Report published in the World Economic Forum

the main
The goal of Woman Entrepreneur Xchange
is to honour and recognise women entrepreneurs and empower them with strategies, real case studies, networking opportunities and capital to achieve their fullest potential as a formidable economic force.
Secure your seat for upcoming WEX