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What Culture type is your business ?

Michigan Business School created an interesting model to determine and

diagnose the culture type of an institution or business after extensively

researching various attributes that drive organisation effectiveness. This

Culture archetype model ultimately managed to distil all attributes to just

four significant drivers. This model referred to as – Competing Values

Framework is attributed to Robert Quin and Kim Cameron. They used four

simple and insightful quadrants and classified organisations based on –

1. Flexibility

2. Focus

3. Externally driven

4. Internally driven

An organisation that is Flexible and Externally driven is entrepreneurial,

visionary and experimental. Such an organisation was referred to as

Adhocracy Culture. This entity is focused on being the first in the market.

This culture is often chaotic, open and inefficient, but innovative. An

example would be Telsa. The theme of this organisation is likely to be –

We create.

An organisation that is Flexible but Internally driven is a mentorship

driven organisation focused on empowering people. This culture is about

collaboration and facilitation. Such a culture maybe referred to as the Clan

Culture. Netflix and Pixar are examples of this. These are very team driven

cultures where jerks are not tolerated and results are paramount. The

theme of this organisation is likely to be – We collaborate.

An organisation that is Focused and Internally driven maybe referred to

as a Command and Control culture. Here roles are clearly determined,

status is well defined and hierarchy reigns supreme. Classic examples are

most Government institutions, Army and a majority of traditional business

entities. Here the focus is on order, efficiency, well defined KPIs etc. The

theme of this organisation is likely to be – We control.

An organisation that is Externally driven but Focused is singularly driven

by its competitiveness – ie, keeping track of the market and outsmarting

competitors with a view to beating them. This entity is very efficient and

very competitive. Such a culture plays great emphasis on speed. Xiaomi

and Huawei are examples of this type of culture. The theme of this

organisation is likely to be – We compete


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